Title: Start Again Pairing: implied Mike Cutter/Connie Rubirosa (if you squint) Rating: PG Word Count: 101 Summary: It's about starting again, or is it? Notes: For the writerverse prompt Time for a change & the lawandorder100 prompt lame
Title: She Always Looks Good Dressed in Red Pairing: Mike Cutter/Connie Rubirosa Rating: G Word Count: 104 Summary: Mike misses Connie and the colour red. Notes: For the Red/Yellow/Orange challenge on lawandorder100
Title: Tell me We'll Never get Used to It Pairing: Mike Cutter/Connie Rubirosa Rating: G Word Count: 99 Summary: Her empty office is hard to avoid. Notes: Title of story from the Richard Siken poem Scheherazade